Miles City Bucking Horse Sale: Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?
It had been a beautiful weekend. Temperatures in the mid 70s for the third weekend in May had a way of putting smiles on faces. The smell of dust, liquor and sweaty horses filled the air that hung upon the eastern Montana fairgrounds. The 2021 World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse sale shattered the previous ticket sales record. After a cancellation in 2020 due to COVID-19, spirits were high at the “Cowboy Mardi Gras.” Old friends were reunited, and stories were told as attendees seemed eager to push past the doom and gloom of 2020. As the final checks were handed out and the last horses loaded onto the trailers, Bill Harding jokingly told his longtime friend Lavetta Weeding, “I think it’s time that we both retire, we’re getting too old for this.”
Only God would know that when they left...