Warm and Dry Winter Bike Shoes Thanks to PEET Advantage
A summertime trip to the beach includes a few necessary items, like a frisbee and some tea or a cold bottle of vino. If that beach is in Oregon or Washington, a rain jacket and wet suit may join the list. Mountain biking in the northwest works similarly, and the state government should hand out boot dryers along with voter registration pamphlets when folks move here. Hoka Sneakers ,Anyone who plays outside in the rain knows about wet feet and likely has some clever remedies to deal with their soggy gear. This Advantage Heated Shoe and Boot Dryer from Peet Dryer seems a sensible machine to check out ahead of a long winter of “atmospheric rivers” currently plaguing the great PNW.
Peet Dryer makes a few versions of this little machine ranging from simple to more complex, and this one seems...